Rabu, 21 Januari 2015

Last Holiday

Leuwi Bandung Beach

My last holiday was the most unforgettable holiday because I spent my time at Leuwi Bandung Beach. Do you know Leuwi Bandung Beach? You don’t need to search it on Google because you will not find it. Because actually Leuwi Bandung is the name of the village where i live.
                Then, why did i call Leuwi Bandung Beach? It was because i was a little annoyed when friends went on vacation to some beaches in Indonesia and asked me where i did go on vacation, so i said that i went to Leuwi Bandung Beach and they were wondered because they had never heard that before.
                Actually i spent my holiday just stayed at home and did not go to anywhere for vacation because my house was being flooded. Maybe you ever hear Dayeuhkolot, Bojongsoang or Baleendah because often floaded. The altitude was not as usual, this time reaching more than two meters. We can not go anywhere, all of access roads was flooded and we had to use a boat to go to somewhere, while the boat is very rare. The flood finally receded after 12 days, and i spent 12 days without electricity and is very difficult to got some food.
                We could not leave the heouse just to evacuate, bacause we were afraid our stuffs are submerged while the water level continues to increase, we had to keep checking and make sure the stuffs are safe from the reach of floodwaters.
                We survive on the upstairs. And after the flood water finally receded,  taraaaaaaa!!! Suffering was started! The mud reached 30 centimeters in the streets. We had to clean floors, fences, cabinets, tables, and other stuffs. No time for holidays, it was the time for clean the house. That is my story, and here some photos i took. Thank You!

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